NJPW G1 Climax 29 Night 13

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Night 13 of G1 Climax 29 has A block matches. I'm going to watch them, and then write very little about them! For anyone who plans to watch the G1 in the future, make sure you don't fall behind. Catching up is not easy!

Yota Tsuji & Ren Narita vs Juice Robinson & Toa Henare

The Young Lion team looked good here.

Juice kicked Tsuji in the face whilst he was going a boston crab and it looked brutal.

Toa pinned Tsuji after a Toa Bottom. Nice fire from the Young Lions.

Yano Toru & Jeff Cobb & Tomoaki Honma vs Tomohiro Ishii & Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi

Yano was on a team of non-Chaos members against a whole team of Chaos members. He didn't like that and tried to switch teams at the start.

Yoshi-Hashi did something. This was fine.

Taichi & Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi & Bushi

This match quickly descended into chaos, as can be expected from an LIJ and Suzuki-gun.

Shingo pinned Kanemaru after a Made in Japan. Fine match.

Jay White & Chase Owens vs Jon Moxley & Shota Umino

Jay White's entire plan for this match was to ensure Moxley never made contact with him. And it worked. Moxley got more and more annoyed and never got to physically touch White. It was such good heeling.

Jay won with a Blade Runner on Shota. Moxley was pissed!

Bad Luck Fale vs Kenta

Chase stuck around after the previous match and joined commentary.

This match was about as expected. With Fale being awful and Kenta struggling to do anything.

The end came after Chase shockingly came off commentary and distracted Kenta, allowing Fale to get a roll-up for the win. Absolute shocker! Kenta is now out!

Lance Archer vs Zack Sabre Jr

This was a classic power vs technique match-up. Zack continually tried to get submissions on Archer, yet kept getting swatted away.

Lance finally got some big power moves in and hit Zack with a huge chokeslam. He went for the pin but picked Zack back up off the mat like he wanted to hurt Zack more. This was a mistake!

Lance picked up Zack and went for his Blackout finisher, but Zack wiggled free and rolled up Lance for the win! Go soyboi!

Evil vs Will Ospreay

Evil won with Everything is Evil. Really good match! I could type more, but I won't.

Kota Ibushi vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

This is a rematch from last year's G1 final. That match was completely amazing, so this had high expectations, which it unfortunately it did not meet.

Ibushi won with a Kamigoye. Really good match, but it went a bit shorter than I thought it would, it barely hit 20 minutes. I imagine the following match had something to do with that.

Sanada vs Kazuchika Okada

This match went really long, and the first ten minutes or so were paced quite slowly, clearly making you think they were going for a time limit draw.

Sanada did his usual thing of trying to get cheers from the crowd, and he got more than Okada for part. There was lots of back and forth with Okada normally in control.

The ending of this match was great. Sanada had Okada in the Skull End for a very long time, and the time limit of the match was approaching with only a couple of minutes left. Sanada let go of the hold and went for a moonsault but Okada got his knees up. There was barely any time left on the clock! Okada picked up Sanada and went for a Rainmaker, but Sanada hit one of his own! Sanada then went to the top and hit a moonsault to Okada's back, went up and hit another to his front, and got the pin with only 13 seconds remaining! Those last few minutes were tense as hell.


Yet another excellent G1 show. All the block matches except Fale/Kenta were great, just a brilliant show all around.

Lots of people are out of A block, with Lance Archer, Bad Luck Fale, Will Ospreay, Zack Sabre Jr, Sanada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Kenta all eliminated. The only wrestlers alive are Kazuchika Okada, Kota Ibushi, and Evil. I feel like making my prediction on who's going to win the block when there's only two matches left is a bit cheap, but even so my money is on Ibushi.