AEW Fight for the Fallen

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So, I would like to cover AEW and NJPW shows that I watch, it is just ridiculous timing on my part that I decide to do that at the start of the G1 and then an AEW show is the same day. Thankfully if I write as I watch it doesn't take too much extra time.

I have seen all the AEW shows up to now, including All In, and I think they're pretty great. There are a couple of issues I have with them but it's probably not fair to judge them too harshly until the promotion starts proper with their TV show in October.

As an aside, this arena looks awesome! The entrance way is at an angle and looks really unique. On with the show!

MJF & Sammy Guevara & Shawn Spears vs Darby Allin & Jimmy Havoc & Joey Janela

At the last show Shawn Spears hit Cody Rhodes with a fake chair that broke and legit gave Cody a massive gash on the back of his head. On this show Shawn Spears has a t-shirt calling himself "The Chairman". Wrestling is awesome.

Neither of the teams in this match are made up of wrestlers friendly with each other, so the story of the match was how neither team worked well together. The heels did that much better than the faces as they're supposed to be dicks to everyone, but the faces not working well made them look like idiots.

I think this went a bit too heavy on the indy-riffic "I'm going to do my cool move, you do your cool move", plus there were like three separate moves done into the turnbuckle which really lessens how dangerous that seems. Having said that, it was really cool stuff and the crowd were great.

Shawn Spears pinned Darby Allin after a Death Valley Driver.

Allie vs Brandi Rhodes

Hell yeah! I was a bit confused how at the last shows Brandi has been a bad guy, then showed an emotional video about Brandi right before this match started, flip-flopping her character pretty hard. However, as the match was starting Awesome Kong came out to support Brandi and it was great.

The match itself was awful. Brandi is not very good, I don't know much about Allie but she's in the ring with Brandi so even if she was amazing she wouldn't be able to show it. The story of this match was Allie overpowering Brandi but Kong distracting the ref. Eventually Brandi poked the eyes while Kong was with the ref and then hit a spear for the win.

After the match Aja Kong came out to confront Awesome Kong. That match will be terrible when it happens, but I'm still looking forwards to it.

The Dark Order vs Jack Evans & Angelico vs Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus

I had never seen Luchasaurus before Double or Nothing, but he is just awesome. He dresses like a dinosaur!

This match was a total clusterfuck of guys hitting moves all over the place, a complete spotfest. It was ok.

The Dark Order won with a vicious looking assisted reverse blockbuster thing, that was incredibly badass.

Kip Sabian vs Hangman Adam Page

They are doing a story line where Kip things Adam Page has been handed everything without having to work for it, and somehow that makes Kip a heel. Adam Page has been handed everything in AEW without working for it because he's friends with the bookers, I can not believe they are doing something as stupid as this.

I don't much care for Adam Page, I don't think he's bad but he's quite bland and I'm not interested him at all. Kip Sabian I don't know much about but he was good in this match. There was an awesome spot where Page did a running powerbomb over the ropes onto the entrance way that looked awesome.

Page won after hitting a deadeye. Good match.

After the match, a masked man attacked Adam Page and shock horror, it was Chris Jericho. Woo yeah! Jericho and Page are fighting in the first AEW title match at All Out and I really hope Page doesn't win.

SoCal Uncensored vs Lucha Bros

The Lucha Bros are possible my favourite tag team in all of wrestling right now. Pentagon Jr's style is awesome, and everything Fenix does looks effortless.

For the start of the match Pentagon and Scorpio had a catchphrase-off which was amazing. The match was going great until there was some miscommunication where I think Kazarian wasn't in place for a move, and the match ground to a halt. It took a little while to get back going but turned great again by the end.

Pentagon won after a stomp-assisted package piledriver. Great match!

After the match, the Lucha Bros attacked SCU with a ladder, then cut a promo in Spanish challenging the Young Bucks to a ladder match at All Out. I can't wait!

Cima vs Kenny Omega

I'm not sure how I feel about Kenny's new theme music, it sounds like an anime-metal song which fits his character, but I liked his old Final Fantasy ripoff.

This match was awesome. It started slow and built greatly, with the match kicking into high gear after Cima hit his Meteora double knee strike off a balcony onto the timekeeper's table. It looked brutal.

The ending sequence had them exchanging endless slaps, that morphed into kicks, and then Kenny hit the One Winged Angel for the win. Brilliant match.

Chris Jericho Promo

Jericho came out to cut a promo about his upcoming title match with Adam Page. It was pretty good. Then the coward Hangman came out and attacked Jericho from behind. A bunch of guys came out to break it up, and then everyone left. This was fine.

The Young Bucks vs Cody & Dustin Rhodes

This is going to sound a bit petty maybe, but I think how the Bucks and Cody break kayfabe with Being the Elite, a match like this with a forced story line with the Bucks making fun of Cody and Dustin even though they are in reality joint owners of the wrestling company doesn't sit right to me. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too, and it doesn't work for me.

As a match, this was pretty good, but I was taken out of it because of the above.

The Bucks won with a Meltzer Driver to Cody. OK match. Afterwards there was a little promo with the Bucks saying sorry for being dicks. Urgh.


This was probably the worst AEW show so far, but it was still pretty good. The first half was acceptable, the Lucha Bros/SCU and Kenny/Cima matches were great, and the main event was fine. I hope AEW get better as I think they are still lacking in some areas, preferential booking for their friends for example, but they at least put on some good matches. Good show!

Before I forget, I really, really hate when they instantly cut away to the fans after a move is done. It's a thing WWE started doing a year or two ago and it's incredibly annoying. I'm not watching wrestling to watch the fans, I'm there to watch the wrestlers. Please stop it AEW, stop it!