An examination of the sex and violence in Banshee!


This was originally published on my blogspot blog, but am reposting here because I can!

I recently started watching a TV show called Banshee which is one of the most gloriously trashy shows I've ever seen. It's about a nameless ex-con who ends up in a town called Banshee looking for his old girlfriend. Through some hilarious plot contrivances the ex-con steals the identity of Banshee's new sheriff, who luckily nobody had seen face-to-face, and decides to stick around as sheriff as he tries to win back the old girlfriend. This leads to countless awesome plot lines where some criminals come to town and do some crime that the police can't handle, leading to the ex-con sheriff running in and murdering everyone and everything with gratuitous violence. This show is drenched in blood and it is wonderful. But extreme violence isn't all you get with Banshee, not by a long shot, you get gratuitous sex scenes too! No downstairs business is shown but there's boobs and bums being shown every episode!

After watching the most recent episode, season 2 episode 2, I made a little joke to myself that every single scene in the show ends in either extreme violence or extreme boobs. So I decided to go back through the episode and check, making a list of every scene and checking to see which ones were solely people talking, and which ones were awesome. Away we go!


00:00 - 02:32 - SCENE 1 The cold open is a montage of the main characters moping about. We see the main male character's bum as he takes a shower. We also see one of the female characters in bed topless, masturbating whilst flashing back to a sex scene with the main dude.

02:32 - 03:52 - OPENING TITLES The opening title sequence. No violence or sex in this.

03:52 - 06:43 - SCENE 2 One of the supporting police characters goes to talk to another character. This scene is set in a strip club so boobs are aplenty. We also see the after effects of a character who has seconds prior been punched in the face.

06:43 - 08:06 - SCENE 3 The first scene of the show that's solely talking! The main native american character has a meeting with the native american casino council. No sex or violence in this.

08:06 - 11:00 - SCENE 4 One of the female supporting police characters arrives at work to find her abusive ex-husband trying to apologize. No sex or violence in this, but a bit of male posturing as one of the other police tell the ex-husband to piss off.

11:00 - 11:20 - SCENE 5 A filler scene. The main character wakes up and mopes. No sex or violence.

11:20 - 13:29 - SCENE 6 Set in a courthouse, the female lead gets sentenced to 30 days in prison. Outside the chambers her husband talks to the sheriff and ends up punching the sheriff in the face!

13:29 - 15:36 - SCENE 7 The female cop is at the firing range, looking angry. She flashes back to the abusive ex-husband punching a dude she was dancing with, and then punching her! What an asshole!

15:36 - 17:05 - SCENE 8 Sheriff is in the bar with his criminal friends. They divvy up the cash they got from their last job. No sex or violence.

17:05 - 18:16 - SCENE 9 The main villain of the series, a slaughterhouse owner, is transporting cows when he gets a phone call from the native american chief. The native american sets off a bomb that BLOWS UP ALL THE COWS. Cow guts and cow heads rain from the skies. Fucking A.

18:16 - 19:52 - SCENE 10 This scene inter-cuts between the girl who's on her way to prison trying to talk to her daughter, and the girl cop dealing talking with her asshole ex-husband. No sex or violence.

19:52 - 21:39 - SCENE 11 The lovely niece of the evil slaughterhouse owner is walking by the bar on the way to see the sheriff but is accosted by 3 army guys. They try to rape her but get beaten up by the main native american female character who is a super ninja badass. She then chloroforms the niece which leads straight into...

21:39 - 22:13 - SCENE 12 The badass girl shows the kidnapped girl to the native american chief guy. No sex or violence.

22:13 - 24:34 - SCENE 13 The evil slaughterhouse man goes to the sheriff looking for the niece but gets a call from the chief saying he has the niece. No sex or violence.

24:34 - 27:16 - SCENE 14 The chief is talking to the niece, she talks back so he smacks her around a bit.

27:16 - 34:52 - SCENE 15 Easily the best scene in the episode. The sheriff goes to the casino where the niece is and punches his way to her. A whole bunch of cool fight sequences were in this. The sheriff takes down no less six dudes. He gets the girl back because the chief loses his nerve.

34:52 - 36:17 - SCENE 16 The sheriff brings the daughter back to the evil slaughterhouse guy. No sex or violence.

36:17 - 39:00 - SCENE 17 This scene starts with a tracking shot of the chief's bum as he walks to a hot tub that contains a naked lady. Cinematography at it's finest. They start to have some jacuzzi sex before the evil slaughterhouse man shows up and dumps a whole load of cow guts into the hot tub.

39:00 - 41:55 - SCENE 18 The sheriff in the bar with the going-to-prison lady. They talk. No sex or violence.

41:55 - 45:08 - SCENE 19 The sheriff takes the lady to prison. This scene is inter-cut with flashbacks to the sheriff himself being taken to prison. No sex or violence, only drama.

45:08 - 47:06 - SCENE 20 Cop lady is drying her hair and flashes back to her ex-husband burning her with a curling iron. She then steps out of the bathroom to find the ex-husband cooking her dinner. Things get heated, she pulls a gun!

47:06 - 47:28 - SCENE 21 Sheriff arrives at the police station and finds out cop lady has missed her shift. No sex or violence.

47:28 - 49:11 - SCENE 22 Sheriff arrives at cop lady's house, finds out the ex-husband has gone. She tells him what motel he's staying at so the sheriff can go root out some real justice. No sex or violence.

49:11 - 51:47 - SCENE 23 We think it's the sheriff knocking at ex-husband's motel door but it's actually lady cop! She kicks the shit out of him! This fight scene is completely inter-cut with prison lady's first day in prison, getting hassled by one of the other prisoners when they burst into fight. Both fight scenes are brutal. Prison lady wins her fight by graphically breaking the arm of the prison bitch, cop lady wins her fight by beating the ex-husband to a bloody pulp with a bible. The final shot of the scene being the blood-soaked bible. Symbolism?

51:47 - 54:26 - SCENE 24 The sheriff arrives at the motel to find the carnage. He says he'll take care of the ex-husband so lady cop doesn't get into trouble. They kiss, but that is not enough to count as an actual sex scene.

54:26 - 55:57 - SCENE 25 A closing montage of all the character's moping. The prison lady's husband is getting a hand job from a prostitute.

And that's it! Of the 25 scenes I recognized, 12 of them contained some amount of graphic sex or violence, less than half. :( However, if you go by time, there's 32 minutes 43 seconds worth of scenes that involve either graphic sex or violence out of a 56 minute run time. That's more like it.

I'm not entirely sure the point of doing this, but I don't care. Banshee is awesome, everyone who loves things being punched should watch it. I'd be interested to see the sex/violence breakdowns for the other Banshee episodes but am far, far, far too lazy to do so myself.